標題: 【專區】Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 疑問集中解決 專區 [打印本頁]

作者: Galneryus    時間: 2009-2-24 17:53:06     標題: 【專區】Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 疑問集中解決 專區

由於目前Smackdown! vs Raw 2008發售不到一個月,已經掀起一大波的討論熱潮,故開此疑問集中解決區做集中,以免版面過亂。


作者: Galneryus    時間: 2009-2-24 17:53:22


Smackdown! vs. Raw 2008 人物特性完全解析 更新解鎖方法 Hall of Fame相關補充

Power House:(精力充沛型選手)







以Xbox 360按鍵為例。
使用特技:RB+Y(PS2 R1+三角)
如將對手推出擂台:方向+RB+B(PS2 方向+R1+圓圈)
反派推裁判:方向+A按住,放開則為推出(PS2 方向+X)
技術型選手的瞬間投技:LB+方向 跑向對手之後按 A (PS2 L1+方向+X)
高飛型選手的角柱撲擊:LB+方向 跑向對手,對手倒地,並且選手上了角柱
表演型選手模仿動作:Y+十字鍵(PS2 三角+L3)

Legend Superstar:
01. The Rock ($ 210, 000):
Can be purchased after defeating The Rock in a match using Steve Austin on Legend difficulty.
傳奇難度下,Hall of Fame裡開啟,使用SCSA戰勝The Rock後。

02. Steve Austin ($ 210, 000):
Can be purchased after defeating Steve Austin in a submission match using Bret Hart on Legend difficulty.
傳奇難度下,Hall of Fame裡開啟,使用Bret Hart,進行一場Submission Match戰勝SCSA。

03. Mick Foley ($ 210, 000):
Can be purchased after defeating Mick Folet in a Hell-in-the-Cell match using Undertaker on Legend difficulty.
傳奇難度下,Hall of Fame裡開啟,使用Unertaker,進行一場Hell In The Cell Match戰勝Mick Foley。

04. Rick Rude ($ 210, 000):
"Ravishing" Rick Rude is now available.

05. Roddy Piper ($ 210, 000):
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper is now available.

06. Terry Funk ($ 210, 000):
Can be purchased after defeating Tommy Dreamer, Sabu and Sandman in an ECW extreme rules 4-way match using any superstar on Legend difficulty.
傳奇難度下,使用任何選手,以ECW極限規則(ECW Extreme)進行一場4-wag Match,戰勝Tommy Dreamer,Sabu與Sandman。

07. Sabu ($ 210, 000):
Sabu is now available.

08. Bret Hart ($ 210, 000):
Can be purchased after defeating Bret Hart in a 30-minute Ironman match using Shawn Michaels on Legend difficulty.
傳奇難度下,Hall of Fame裡開啟,使用HBK在30分鐘Ironman Match中戰勝Bret Hart。

Another Superstar:
01. Vince McMahon ($ 110, 000):
Can be purchased after winning or successfully defending a championship title at Wrestlemania in 24/7 GM mode.

02. Shane McMahon ($ 110, 000):
Shane McMahon is now available.

02. JBL ($ 110, 000):
JBL is now available.

Another Costume:
01. Triple H D-X ($ 60, 000):
Triple H's costume can now be changed to D-X type.

02. Shawn Michaels D-X ($ 60, 000):
Shawn Michaels's costume can now be changed to D-X type.

03. Vince McMahon Bald ($ 60, 000):
The Vince McMahon Bald costume will be available for purchase once Vince McMahon is purchased from the Another Superstar category.
Vince McMahon光頭,需要先解鎖並購買Vince McMahon後才能購買使用。

Legend Championship:
01. The Million Dollar Championship ($ 20, 000):
Hall of fame: Obtain the rank of "Hall of Famer".
億萬美金冠軍腰帶,獲得全部Hall of fame等級後可以購買。

02. Hardcore Championship ($ 20, 000):
Hall of fame: Obtain the rank of "Hall of Famer".
硬核冠軍腰帶,獲得全部Hall of fame等級後可以購買。

03. WWE Attitude Heavyweight Championship ($ 20, 000):
Hall of fame: Obtain the rank of "Hall of Famer".
WWE重量級腰帶,獲得全部Hall of fame等級後可以購買。

04. WCW Classic World Championship ($ 20, 000):
Hall of fame: Obtain the rank of "Hall of Famer".
WCW頂間世界冠軍腰帶,獲得全部Hall of fame等級後可以購買。

01. Move Set 1 ($ 15, 000):
More moves can now be selected in Create a Move Set mode.
02. Move Set 2 ($ 15, 000):
More moves can now be selected in Create a Move Set mode.
03. Move Set 3 ($ 15, 000):
More moves can now be selected in Create a Move Set mode.
04. Preset Move-Sets ($ 15, 000):
When Moves Set 1, Moves Set 2 & Moves Set 3 are purchased, Moves Table Set also becomes available for purchase.
購買前3種Move Set後解鎖。
05. Triple H D-X entrance animation ($ 30, 000):
Triple H's D-X entrance becomes available for purchase when his D-X costume is purchased.
解鎖並購買HHH DX造型後可以購買使用。
06. Shawn Michaels D-X entrance animation ($ 30, 000):
Shawn Michaels's D-X entrance becomes available for purchase when his D-X costume is purchased.
解鎖並購買HBK DX造型後可以購買使用。

Starter Kits:
01. Starter Kit(Brawler) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
02. Starter Kit(Dirty) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
03. Starter Kit(Hardcore) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
04. Starter Kit(High-Flyer) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
05. Starter Kit(Powerhouse) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
06. Starter Kit(Showman) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
07. Starter Kit(Submission) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
08. Starter Kit(Technical) ($ 30, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.

Premium Kits:
01. Premium Kit(Brawler) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
02. Premium Kit(Dirty) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
03. Premium Kit(Hardcore) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
04. Premium Kit(High-Flyer) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
05. Premium Kit(Powerhouse) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
06. Premium Kit(Showman) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
07. Premium Kit(Submission) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.
08. Premium Kit(Technical) ($ 110, 000):
Available for purchase when you have at least one create superstar.

Hall of Fame補充:
1.Shawn Micheals
Using any superstar
in Exhibition: 30-Man Royal Rumbe mode, arrive 1st in the ring and then win on Legend difficulty.
Legend難度下,在Exhibition下,開啟30人Royal Rumbe模式,並且以第一順序出場並獲得勝利。

2.The Sandman
Using any Superstar
defeat Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, and the sandman in ECW Extreme Rules match of Fatal 4-Way at Ecw arena on Legend difficulty.
在Legend難度下,與Tommy Dreamer, Sabu與The Sandman進行一場ECW極限規則的Fatal 4-Way的比賽在ECW的擂台上。

3.The Hardys
Using any two Superstars
defeat The Hardys in a "Two on Two Tlc match" in SummerSlam on Legend difficulty.
在Legend難度下,與The Hardys進行一場"Two on Two Tlc Match"在SumerSlam的擂台上。

On Legend diffculfy, Create a Money in the Bank,with Mr.Kennedy Edge, Matt Hardy. Finlay, Jeff Hardy, and defeat them with any remaining superstar.
在Legend難度下,以Mr.Kennedy,Edge, Matt Hardy. Finlay, Jeff Hardy幾位選手建立Money in the Bank比賽,使用剩下的任意超級巨星擊敗他們。

5.John Cena
Create a WWE Championship title and raise its prestige to the highest possible value.

6.king Booker
Using any superstar
Win the King of the Ring tournament of tournament mode on Legend difficulty.
在Legend難度下,在The King of Ring Tournamen of Tournament模式中獲得勝利。

7.DX Trple H and Shawn Micheals
Crete a Stable and max-out its Teamwork Attributes. Then use this stable to defeat D-Generation X in a Two on Two Tag Team Match on Legend Difficulty.
建立一個組合併且得到隊伍屬性。在Legend難度下,開啟一場Two on Two Tag Team Match,擊敗D-Generation X。

8.Vince McMahon

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