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- 2008-3-27
- 帖子
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- 註冊時間
- 2008-3-27
發表於 2009-4-13 14:10:48
- 一個可以執行PHP的網站伺服器
- 推薦: Apache。 我們的開發工作是在1.3.x版上進行,並成功地測試了2.0.x版。
- 其他選擇: IIS。 Drupal的開發也將IIS的相容性包含在內,可正常運作。
- Drupal 4.6版需要PHP 4.3.3以上的版本(PHP 5 可以使用於4.6版)。Drupal 4.2版到4.5.2版則需要PHP 4.1以上的版本。Drupal的早期版本可以在PHP 4.0.6以上使用。我們建議使用PHP 4.x的最新版本。
- PHP XML extension (使用於bloggerapi、drupal、jabber和ping模組)。這個延伸套件在PHP的標準安裝裡,預設是啟用的。PHP的Windows版本則內建支援此延伸套件。
- Drupal的核心安裝需要PHP記憶體8MB。如果你安裝了其他模組,你可能需要提高記憶體設定。事先包裝過的Drupal套件,例如CivicSpace,可能會需要更多的PHP記憶體。
- PHP 需要以下的設定 參數,才能讓Drupal順利運作:
- These settings are contained in the default .htaccess file that ships with Drupal, so you shouldn't need to set them explicitly. Note, however, that setting PHP configuration options from .htaccess only works:
- with Apache (or a compatible web server),
- if the .htaccess file is actually read, i.e. AllowOverride is not None,
- if PHP is installed as an Apache module.
- See here for how to change configuration settings for other interfaces to PHP.
- Using a PEAR-supported Database (see below) requires (of course) PEAR to be installed.
[url=]A PHP-supported Database Server[/url] - Recommended: MySQL, v3.23.17 or newer (for our use of INNER JOIN's with join_condition's). MySQL 4 is fine.
- Drupal makes use of features not available on some inexpensive hosting plans, like LOCK TABLE
- Working well since 4.7: PostgreSQL, version 7.3 or newer (7.2 will probably work too, but you'll get some errors when updating from 4.6). Experiences with other databases are greatly welcome.